Sometimes life happens, and others have a longer waiting period.
We've been in a long waiting period, and God has been testing our faith.
He wonders when we will solve the problem on our own and stop waiting? He wonders if we will keep our eyes on him through the long and grueling process.
We’ll one thing I've learned is that the wait is long, and then life doubles up in speed once waiting is over.
For 5 1/2 months, we've been waiting. Waiting for God to open a door.
The whole time we've been following his lead, step by step. People have called us crazy in the process and wondered what we were doing.
We've just been following his lead, spirit, and voice.
This season of waiting has taught me to slow down. To notice my uncomfortably with it and to be.
It's taught me to trust God like he is our only option because he is.
Without my husband, this season would have been much different. We needed each other in different ways at different times.
And now a new season is here.
More detail to come, but for now, I praise God that the door finally opened.
