As a mom with two special needs kids, there are days when I am really burnt out. Days that I wonder why we of all people rolled the dice twice in a row. Why we, of all people, we're called to this.
The truth is our daily life circumstances can be difficult when we do them alone.
One of the biggest lessons that I have learned through this experience is how to receive help and know when help is needed.
Until you have faced a task too big for yourSELF to manage, you don’t get to learn this lesson.
Here is what I know about help:
We need it, as much as we can get, whenever we can get it.
Help comes through text messages saying we are in your prayers, meals, time, and even a simple hug.
Help isn’t something I like to receive. It feels unnecessary, and it’s very vulnerable, but in our case, it is necessary.
Help is something we can all give other people in our lives as God puts needs on our hearts. My advice, “never ask if you can help,” instead ask “when.”
Sometimes our hands can bless someone else beyond measure, and we will never know the true impact we have had. Our hands were designed for helping, serving, and using for others.
This is the message of Sparrow Club’s USA.
“Sparrow Clubs exist to set the stage for simple, yet heroic, acts of kindness in schools and youth culture by empowering kids to help kids in medical need.”
Sparrow Clubs teaches kids about compassion and looking outside themselves to help others. We are so blessed for our family to be a part of this program this year and that Hazel has the privilege to be the Sparrow of 2022!
So use this as a reminder to look around; who has God placed in your life? How can you offer help? Maybe it’s a meal this week or donating 1 hour of your time to do their dishes or laundry? I believe if you open your hands and are available to help, God will show the way.
Comment below how God has called you to help others in your community.