Helping kids see their unique differences as an opportunity to lean into use their superpowers we know as unique gifts.
Navigating this diversity can be challenging, leading some children to feel inadequate.
Julia, our keynote speaker, is committed to helping today's youth recognize their own unique abilities and 'superpowers,' as well as appreciate the abilities and disabilities in others.
Her keynote will inspire children to embrace their differences as strengths, teaching them how to use these 'superpowers' to assist others who might not share the same abilities.

Sharing stories, encouraging questions and inspiring compassion
The Hazelnut Movement was started in 2022. I had embarked on a mission to provide parents and educators with resources to help them teach their children about other children with special needs.
Having been a special needs parent with two children affected by a very rare genetic disorder within the NKH family, I've come to realize that many parents and educators lack the knowledge of how to discuss children with special needs. Some fear saying the wrong thing, while others simply avoid the topic due to a lack of proper guidance. This is where we step in!
At the Hazelnut Movement, we believe that storytelling is the catalyst for compassion. Through one book at a time, we aim to initiate those crucial conversations.
If you haven't yet explored our selection of books, I encourage you to do so. I assure you that each page will warm your heart and leave you feeling blessed after reading.

Inspiring compassion for the Hazelnuts of the world
Discover Educator Testimonials on the Impact of the Hazelnut Movement in their School

“When Julia came to my 2nd grade classroom to read her 2nd Hazelnut book, my students were ecstatic!! They were so excited to hear more about Hazelnut because she had read “Hazelnut it’s time to get up” to them the year prior. The students are so invested in learning about what makes sweet Hazel so unique but also how the Lord has made her just like them. It was a great opportunity for my students to ask their questions about disabilities and encouraged them to continue wondering and exploring how the Lord makes each of his children different.”
Mikayla- Second Grade Teacher

"She was amazing and I could hear the students talking about it in the hallway. I recommend you invite her to talk to your students and staff. She has an amazing story to share. Thank you, Julia for sharing your journey with Soddy Elementary School!"
Christina Moore- Assistant Principle