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“I don’t ever want to do life without him here.” 😭

As I held Russell after his bath, wrapped in a towel, the tears started flowing. It’s my all-time favorite moment of the day with my boy, and I kept thinking, “I don’t ever want to do life without him here.” 😭

Some days, I don’t think about the fact that doctors have given my children an end date; other days, it consumes my thoughts.

There is a level of connection that grows stronger and stronger each day with all children, especially when they are so dependent on you for everything.

Russell, you have my heart. You entered this world at a very strange time in my life. I had just become a special needs mom and was recovering from cancer. You had a rough first year—well, three years—crying all day long. It took time for us to bond, but that’s okay. Now, our bond is unbreakable.

Russell, we have been through a lot, and I love you from your head to your toes. You complete me. You complete our family.

Never let the diagnosis of NKH stop you from being you—wild, full of joy, and the best dancer on the dance floor. Love you.


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