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When suffering never ends

Julia Erman

I had the privilege of sharing my story on our middle and high school podcast last week. Going into the recording, I knew it was a topic I could slay: suffering. If I know something, it's suffering.

As I listened to the beautifully polished and edited version, I was reminded of all God has done in our lives, all he has brought us out of.

He has kept our children alive when they shouldn't be breathing.

He healed my cancer when I wouldn't have even been diagnosed in time if I wasn't pregnant with Russell.

He gave us a marriage that was built on a solid foundation because he knew we would need it to survive the storms ahead.

He provided even when my husband was fired for following his faith.

Our story is a lot. Our silver platter of suffering is a lot, and some days it's too much, but when I listen to a beautiful version of it all compiled, I can't help but see God.

I believe in my bones I HAVE BEEN GIVEN AN INCREDIBLE PRIVILEGE because of our suffering.


All because of that, I get to go out to a school and the McMinn Health Department next week and speak life over people. I get to spend my days pouring into others and helping them see that God uses it all. He uses your suffering to help others. I get to have conversations with kids about how they are uniquely made and have an incredible superpower, all different. I needed that when I was young because I never felt super. I always felt like I was not enough.

Everything I get to do is because of what God has brought me through.

So where are you gifted? What have you been through that has allowed you to help others?

Don't just watch me and say good for her; turn it around and say what does this mean for me.

Everything I do in The Hazelnut Movement supports one thing, and that is conversations with kids and adults all over the world like this.

If you feel led to support this work, please consider a one-time gift or monthly giving. We have 4 school assemblies, 2 library visits, one story time, and one keynote booked before the end of the school year. All done for FREE.

We need supporters. We need founders, and maybe you want to join that incredible team.

So please pray as we continue to pursue our non-profit status. If you feel led to be on the board, send me a message, and if you'd like to pledge giving once we have our status, that would be amazing.

Thank you for making it possible for ME TO DO THIS WORK! It's an honor to have incredible conversations with kids and help them see their unique purpose.


Pray and follow our journey 🙏

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©2022 by JuliaErman a proud partner with Luke 14 Ministries

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